Jupiter – TuneTuesday


Driving past the blue plaque on what was once Gustav Holst’s residence a few days ago was my queue to start la-la-ing ‘Jupiter’ to the rest of the car…

But it did make me think, which bit to sing?

You could sing any of the 3 substantial themes but still have your obliging audience guess the right song – provided they haven’t already demanded you ‘put a sock in it’ as you break into ‘I vow to thee my country’ at the top of your voice.


In case you are unfamiliar with this bringer of jollity… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz0b4STz1lo


A favourite of many, plenty to pick up on listening-again and definitely a piece which makes you hark back to ‘the olden days’ for stupendous feats of classical composition and vibrant arrangements without a film in front of it.